IP-SM-Gateway | Transport & Service level Interworking

Transport Level Interworking Service Level Interworking
When the original SMS content is brought to the IMS side, the IP-SM-GW chooses to apply this method to forward a MAP message to the IMS domain. When receiving a Short Message from a legacy domain, the IP-SM-GW translates the Short Message payload to a plain/text payload of an Instant Message.
This method can be applied only when the recipient UE is capable of SMS support (e.g. Smartphone). This method is applied when the recipient UE does not support native SMS (e.g. VoIP based IM client).
In this case the binary payload of the received MAP message is just uploaded into a SIP message. This message will now use the SIP MESSAGE method and his payload will be signaled as ’application/vnd.3gpp.sms’

1 comment:

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